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Apostle Joe Fincher, better affectionately known as "Pastor Joe, the O.G. Pastor" has been a licensed and ordained Apostle since 2011. Called and Chosen by God to cultivate and redirect the minds of present and future Christian leadership; thereby, instructing and guiding said leaders towards the development of a more intimate relationship with our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

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Disciples Abiding In Christ International Ministries, Inc

- by Pastor : Apostle Joe Fincher


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Welcome To DAIC International Ministries

DAIC Ministries was birthed through our founder, Pastor Joe L. Fincher, one of god’s chosen apostles to minister the word of god to the nations. This ministry is formed and established on the scripture, Matthew

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son an d the Holy Spirit.”

Since our inception, we have accepted the responsibility of becoming “LIFE CHANGERS” in the Body of Christ, purposed for the ushering in of the Kingdom of God, on earth. We count it as a privilege and all joy to have been empowered by the Spirit of God to enhance spiritual growth and development of a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

It is a privilege, given by God, the Father, to His Chosen Believers. It is a welcomed opportunity to communicate with the Father through the son under the divine of the Holy Spirit.

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Is the ultimate form of praise.

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His counts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.”

When we come before God with a thankful heart, acknowledge Him for all that we have, then we are entering, His gates with thanksgiving. When we testify of His goodness to others with our words and actions of God’s provisions, then we are entering His courts with praise.

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

The Father seeks those to worship Him. For Christians, worship is the attributing reverent honor and homage to God. One of the Greek words used to reference "worship" is proskuneo which simply means to how down to God.

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E-Book - Relay Sonship

Apostle Joe Fincher, better affectionately known as "Pastor Joe, the O.G. Pastor" has been a licensed and ordained Apostle since 2011. Called and Chosen by God to cultivate and redirect the minds of present and future Christian leadership

E -Book - As A Man Thinketh So Is He

Apostle Joe Fincher, better affectionately known as "Pastor Joe, the O.G. Pastor" has been a licensed and ordained Apostle since 2011. Called and Chosen by God to cultivate and redirect the minds of present and future Christian leadership

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Don’t allow the enemy to speak to you about there they go again asking for money. Realize that the church only has what people donate. If you are asked to give for the benevolent people in the ministry and community and you would like to support the mission, GIVE!! It’s not your responsibility to worry yourself about will they do it, give in Jesus name as if loaning God they money that you are donating and taking Him at His word that men will pour into your Bosom, pressed down, shaken together and running over. If the funds collected do not reach the requested mission, I guarantee God knows how to handle it and them. Let’s stop playing God, judge and jury and be responsible to the voice of God.


Lord, I recognize and causatively know, I know because I have experienced and have a relationship with you that I have or certainly know, your divine decree including penalty, privilege, or even style are moral, just and righteous and firmness, moral fidelity and security, your faithfulness has chastened me. Lord, allow your merciful kindness be my comfort. I understand that afflictions come and are experienced in life by everyone to one extent or another; afflictions are simple troubles, challenging circumstances, unpleasant situations, and difficult people in your life, physical or emotional abuse and many more.


THEREFORE, a true disciple is not just a student or learner but a follower: one who applies what he/she has learned. Before acting or responding a true disciple would quickly ponder in their mind, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO (WWJD)? So in summary a DISCIPLE is an adherent, follower; one who gives full loyalty and support, one who signifies devoted allegiance to their teacher or master. JESUS said to His disciples, “If anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.


Unity of Self – this term implies that one loves him/herself properly; for when a person does not love themselves properly, they become divided; a person divided within himself can not stand or give themselves totally or entirely to GOD. Let me point out, that there are many things which can and will cause damage or unhealed areas in a person’s life. Some stem from or originate with abuse, neglect, or shear rejection, or even can be caused by the basic or standard instinct called Self-preservation. Self-preservation establishes a protective barrier from being hurt again; the BIBLE refers to this as a Stronghold.


What is Discipleship? Discipleship can be defined as one who shows to follow the teachings, life, and aim of another until the person becomes like the master. In the Christian sense it’s the process of making someone like CHRIST. This is not just a turn on and off situation this is a total life surrender to CHRIST; meaning your ways become CHRIST like in everything that you do. This comes with costs to pay. Some don’t believe that there are modern day disciples. JESUS teaches us how to become disciples and how we should walk as disciples.

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